The acronym HGH stands for Human Growth Hormone. It is a hormone produced naturally by humans, and in particular to develop the cells of muscle tissue. Unfortunately, with age, the body produces less and less. This explains why HGH is used legally as part of medical therapy to treat certain diseases related to growth.
As stated in Gilmore Health this hormone is also of interest to athletes who want to build up their strength and develop their muscle mass more quickly while reducing their fat mass. HGH can indeed help build muscles, strength, reduce fat levels and speed up recovery after injury and heavy exercise. Want to get more info on GH? Just keep reading!
What is HGH: Human Growth Hormone
Growth hormone is a substance naturally produced by the human body by the pituitary gland. It is responsible for the development and regeneration of cells. With muscle tissue and bones being formed, increasing one’s growth hormone levels would therefore increase one’s muscle mass.
Why take growth hormones?
A healthy adult produces just under 5 nanograms per ml of blood. However, if the production of HGH peaks during puberty, it will begin to decline gradually in the twenties.
As early as the 1950s, and in order to treat certain diseases, particularly related to stunted growth, scientists began to collect HGH from the glands of corpses. It will only be synthesized 30 years later to develop drugs.
What are its effect on the body and its usefulness in sport?
Bodybuilders are very interested in HGH because of the results they can achieve in terms of strength and weight gain. Some of its main effects include:
Faster and more efficient development of lean muscle mass;
Better bone development:
Anabolic properties;
Better muscle retention and recovery after training.
The anabolic properties of HGH
Growth hormone can boost metabolism and speed up protein synthesis. It is also ideal for burning fat and building bone mass, a series of very beneficial effects for athletes, to which must be added the stimulation of the secretion of IGF-1, which will help bind testosterone and proteins to the muscle cells. This will concretely result in better recovery and muscle retention.
Improving physical performance
By strengthening your muscle mass, HGH increases the intensity of training and the amplitude of repetitions. By lifting higher loads and with larger sessions, athletes can progress faster. It is also advisable to increase the intensity of one’s exercise routine (in terms of reps, loads and series) to better work one’s muscles.
Better recovery
The hormonal response is very important when you want to develop your muscle mass. To avoid a fall due to intense physical effort (especially the next 90 minutes), HGH is to take in the recovery phase. It will prevent muscle fatigue, and avoid the catabolism that follows a higher production of lactic acid.
Raising HGH Naturally
To naturally secrete more growth hormones, it is also recommended to do high intensity exercises and intermittent fasting. Yet even a moderate activity will allow you to produce more HGH to better burn fat and therefore develop a leaner muscle mass.
Does taking HGH present risks?
But human growth hormone does not present only advantages. In fact, taking a dose that is not supervised by a health professional and at too high a dose can present serious health risks.
One serious side effect is acromegaly, which consists of a thickening of the jaw and bones of the forehead and hands. But that’s not all, growth hormone also increases the risk of diabetes and cancer. Also beware of the risks of hypoglycemia and diabetes.
The conclusion is that HGH is very important for exercise and other physical activities, but keep in mind that you have to do it in the recommended dosage and preferably under the supervision of a knowledgeable doctor. Ironically no doctor can legally prescribe HGH injections for bodybuilding because it is not authorized by the FDA. Still anyone interested in boosting their HGH levels may consider using an HGH supplements such as Genf20 Plus. Such supplements according to HGH.FM can raise HGH levels naturally by stimulating the pituitary gland to secrete more of the human growth hormone. Also HGH supplements like Genf20 Plus do not require a prescription and are much safer than HGH injections.
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