As many of you might already know, CBD oil is a miracle, anti-inflammatory drug that is, according to user reports, able to cure or at least alleviate certain symptoms and conditions, such as muscle and joint pain, as well as anxiety. Nevertheless, it seems that we still don’t know which exact medical issues it can cure.
So how can we then know if it works or not? Well, even though CBD is still quite mysterious, science has determined how it can affect the brain. What’s more, scientists believe in its positive effects. Thus, we can use that knowledge to determine how it can be used for medical purposes. There are many types of CBD oil for sale, so this information is useful when deciding which oils to purchase.
How CBD affects the human body
CBD, just like all other cannabinoids, actually attaches itself to the brain’s endocannabinoid system. The two important types of receptors we should remember here are CB1 and CB2.
THC usually binds to both of these receptors, which affect various bodily functions that medical marijuana may treat. In fact, the “high” feeling we get after using psychoactive marijuana products is due to the neurotransmitters that the CB1 receptors release.
Meanwhile, CBD also attaches itself to those same receptors, but its MO is a bit different. It can reduce inflammation, pain and even manage our body temperature. Once it finds itself in the brain, it stimulates other receptors, including:
- Serotonin receptors — these alleviate depression symptoms and regulate our mood
- Adenosine receptor — does wonders for our heart and bone health
- Capsaicin receptor — the same receptor that’s at play when we eat spicy food.
Now, we know what everyone’s thinking: can we get high from CBD? The answer is — no. In fact, once our bodies start breaking it down, it becomes a FAAH inhibitor, short for fatty acid amide hydrolase.
Since CBD can inhibit the activity of the said enzyme and block it, it will essentially disrupt CB1 receptors, which may bring about various health benefits. As a result, the non-psychoactive CBD can squash the “high” most of us feel when we ingest THC.
So will it help us cure our health problems or not?
No one is 100% sure whether CBD has real health benefits, but we do have some user reports and studies. These suggest it can alleviate or possibly even cure certain conditions.
For example, people with epilepsy can use CBD to keep their seizures under control, and the same goes for those who have arthritis. Arthritis patients could benefit from a CBD tincture or a topical product, although results are still inconclusive.
In addition, one study even said that this compound could help addicts, especially those who are addicted to nicotine. If a cigarette addict turns to a CBD inhaler, it will smoke 40% fewer cigarettes, all because of the effect CBD has on CB1 receptors. The study also suggests it can even help animals get over addictive behavior, especially in the case of drugs such as methamphetamine, which are harder to shake off.
Mental health
We’ve seen that CBD may cure physical conditions, but when it comes to mental health, we still don’t understand its effects fully. However, some users say it has helped them with their focus, depression and even anxiety, lowering the overall pressure they usually feel and the risk of experiencing side effects that come with prescription pills.
Nevertheless, not all doctors are convinced in CBD’s superpowers. Some say that patients should try it and see if it works for them. Others, however, are wary and need more proof of its success. Yet, what’s certain is that, if one wants to try it, they have to get it from a reputable manufacturer. Otherwise, even the effects we are aware of might not happen, and we might even endanger our health.
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