Cleveland Browns: Moffit Trade Voided, Still need a Guard


There is a lesson that everyone has learned in their lifetime. If it sounds to good to be true,  it probably isn’t. That was the case with the trade involving the Cleveland Browns and Seattle Seahawks on Monday.

The former third round pick and Wisconsin Badger, John Moffitt will not be donning an orange helmet anytime soon. Depth chart filler defensive end, Brian Sanford was shipped to the Seahawks for Moffitt two days ago. Get the no. 70 jersey ready because Sanford will be back in Berea, OH very shortly. Meanwhile, Moffitt, who claims he is not injured, heads to the Denver Broncos. If there was an injury issue with Moffitt, this was the smart thing to do. Bringing in an injured player to fill in for other injured players is ludicrous.
After learning the news of the voided Moffitt trade, the Browns and their fans are back to square one. If you’re a Browns follower, you have to be concerned with the offensive guard position as of this moment. Taking away nothing from rookie Garrett Gilkey, the seventh round draft pick is not enough to feel comfortable heading into the NFL regular season. And if Gilkey was enough, what happens if he goes down? The orange-and-brown must do something soon.
Two names that should be quietly considered for minor fill in roles are veterans Brian Waters and Cooper Carlisle. Both of these guys are 36 years-old and both would be temporary solutions. Together, they have started over 300 games at guard. To say that one of these guys couldn’t fill the Browns’ void for two games is an understatement.
On the plus side, the new Browns regime has executed the team’s needs and areas of concern so far. Unlike previous management, quality and necessary actions are made to make this team better. Is there another Moffitt-type guy out there or is the veteran option a way to go?  You can be sure that another relevant move to the offensive guard position will be made before September 8th.
Ryan Ruiz is the Cleveland Browns Beat Writer for The Inscriber: Digital Magazine. You can follow him on Facebook and Twitter @ryanpruiz24. Ryan is also a Cleveland Browns Correspondent for The SportsFix. Tune in every Friday at noon on
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