Recently, current Cleveland Browns players have been seen all over Progressive Field supporting the hometown Cleveland Indians. Players like Joe Haden, Greg Little, Trent Richardson, Josh Gordon and Jason Pinkston have filled Twitter with tweets about the Tribe. I think that’s pretty cool.
These guys were not born here and have no ties to the Indians, yet they proudly support the Wahoos. That is refreshing to see for the blue-collar fans of Cleveland and its surrounding areas. It is a sign that some of these athletes actually get “it”. Fans want so badly to connect with players and the players actually understand that.
During the Tribe game on Wednesday night, Haden tweeted out to his followers, “@joehaden23: We r here! 1st base speed pitch! If u beat @Str8UpGlittle we r giving out a signed little jersey!!”. Fans got their chance to try and throw faster than Little. After the awesome Tribe win, Haden tweeted, “@joehaden23: S/o 2 the Indians 4 the win 2night! And all the fans 4 showing me @JOSH_GORDONXII and @Str8UpGlittle love! Goodnight”. Although he is flashy, Haden is a true class act.
Browns starting offensive guard, Jason Pinkston also isn’t afraid to let his passion show. Pinkston’s tweets about the Indians are inspiring and enthusiastic with one-liners like, #windians, #rolltribe, and yard”. The cool Browns guard also told me, “The reason I like the Tribe so much is because I grew up watching the Major League movies and that’s when I became a fan, then I got drafted to Cleveland to play football. I’ve been to many games at Progressive Field and it has an awesome atmosphere. My home town team, the Pirates suck, go Tribe!” Pinkston is another “good guy” in this sports town.
With still over two full months till football season hits for fans, look for familiar faces and continuous support from guys that wear those nostalgic orange helmets, down on the corner of East 9th and Ontario. Roll Tribe and go Browns.
Ryan Ruiz is the Cleveland Browns Beat Writer for The Inscriber. You can Follow him on Twitter @ryanpruiz24 and Facebook.
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