Cowboys Special Teams Stinks it Up

Ok, the Cowboys just got trounced by the Chargers. The Cowboys first teamers, and first series dominated the Chargers, so in the long run, I’m not concerned. What I am concerned about is the horrid special teams play. I didn’t like our special teams play last year, and it looks like we picked up from last year.

I’m sorry, we have good players, so what’s the deal? I would have to say Coach Bruce Read is NOT getting it done. Out of all the crappy play from tonight, the despicable play on special teams highlights the game’s major shortcomings. Second to special teams would be the penalties and lack of concentration, just bad stuff all game.

Now to the individuals, the first teamers are all the real deal and looked sharp. Let’s look at some player highlights that stood out good and bad:

RB Felix Jones – man did this guy look good, I mean, can you imagine what Jones is going to do for us in the regular season. Felix is a definite upgrade over Julius Jones from last season. Most notable is his pass catching ability, its solid. He’s shifty, and can crank up that speed on a dime, very impressed by his play tonight.

RB Tashard Choice – another steal in the 4th round, Choice looks pretty good, he’ll be the #3 RB, and I expect him to contribute. He runs with authority, he runs like a Barber/Emmitt hybrid. He had a solid game.

WR Miles Austin – I got to give hims some props, he made himself noticed and made catches when the ball was in his area. 5 catches for 64 yards, not too bad at all. Now, can he be consistent going the rest of the way. Austin outplayed the rest of the receivers tonight.

TE Tony Curtis – he’s the #2 TE right now, and its not even close in my book. He has good hands, snatched the ball out of the air and makes plays when the ball came his way.

CB Mike Jenkins – Jenkins looked good in my opinion, he had some solid coverage and made some open field tackles. Jenkins will be a contributing factor this year. I liked what I saw in this first game, going against this type of offensive scheme Jenkins did some good things.

TE Martellus Bennett – this guy isn’t ready to be a starter. I want him to play well, but his half ass block on Shaun Phillips was pathetic, and another dropped pass that was very catchable. He needs to pick it up or we’re going to need to consider some contingencies down the line. Right now, he’s probably just a step above Rodney Hannah from the practice squad, seriously. Its still early, so I can’t be too rough, but he’s a 2nd rounder, so he’ll get some time to produce.

Quarterbacks – guess what? I hope Jerry is on the phone dialing up Jon Gruden, Brad Johnson’s arm is dead, he’s playing like Testaverde if not worse. We’re in serious trouble if Romo is ever out for whatever reason. Richard Bartel is not any better. We dropped the ball on Matt Moore, and now we’re here in this situation. Don’t try to sugar coat it,…we need another QB in here, like…this week.

WR Danny Amendola – it was a rough night for Amendola, he fumbled a punt which lead to a Chargers touchdown, after that he disappeared and didn’t get the opportunity to catch any passes even in the forth quarter.

WR Isaiah Stanback – this is a wasted pick man, its an expierement and he’s not ready, not even close to Hurd or Austin’s level. He, like Amendola didn’t look good in the return game either. He’ll make the team, but I just don’t see it.

These are the things that stood out the most tonight. For sure Special Teams needs a change, its the same crap coverage from last year. Jerry call up Joe Avezzano, for real.

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