Cowboys Will Be Quite Prepared

Cowboys Will Be Quite PreparedWhen the schedule came out, I knew week two would be an interesting game. Its not just the Dolphins we’re playing on Sunday; but, in essence it’ll be ourselves we’ll be playing against . Basically, we’re playing against an offensive system the we employ in Dallas as well – Norv Turner offense. Cam Cameron ran it quite effectively in San Diego; however, he now inherits a very average group of guys on offense, and a virtual bust at RB, his bread and butter in San Diego. The Phillips 34 should not be a major surprise to Cameron; moreover, he should know it quite well as he practiced against the best defense in the league while Phillips was the Chargers Defensive Coordinator. This game is going to be a chess match, and every penalty and turnover will ultimately be the deciding factor.

Play calling wise, the teams that will take the field are virtual clones; but, the main difference is the pedigree of  players on the field. The Cowboys clearly have the better offensive unit, the defensive units of the Cowboys and Dolphins are very suspect going into week 2. The Dolphins could not stop the running combo of Portis and Betts; conversely, the Cowboys could not stop the passing attack of Burress and Toomer.

As it was last week, the offensive coordinator that can get past the opposing defense will win this game, so it’ll be on baby. Cam Cameron vs. Jason Garrett

Garrett comes into this matchup as the new young gun on the street, and Cameron has been running the Turner schemes for awhile now, and has had proven success. For this reason, I give the slight edge to Cameron, but I like Garrett’s chances. I kinda see this as the game where Garrett (the student) has the chance to show up Cameron (the master), (not that Garrett coached under Cameron, I’m just giving an example, since they come from the same offensive school of thought)

Or, if you want to look at it another way; defensively, which ever team can stop the opposing offense will win this game, so It’ll be on. Dom Capers vs. Wade Phillips

Looks like a dead heat, its amazing how close these two teams are. Capers is a defensive guru, and so is Phillips; however, at this point, the edge goes to Phillips. His style is more aggressive and has had solid proven success. Ellis and Newman are practicing more, and could bolster up the D for the game, so watch out. Jay Ratliff is very underrated at NT, and will be a menace up the middle, and what’s this?…do the Dolphins have a rookie starting at center? Samson Satele. Our boy Ratliff is gonna tear that up. Ah shhh…

Point is, the Cowboys will be quite prepared against a mirror image of a lesser self. Go Cowboys, Get Pumped!

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