Cowboys Workout Several Free Agents

If the Cowboys think they can fill their roster woes with cut players and street free agents, there’s something wrong going on at Valley Ranch. Take a look at this latest list of players the Cowboys brought in for a workout…

WR Carlos Francis (Raiders)
Arena Football League OL Terrance Dotsy
CB Justin Phinisee (Chiefs)
LB Torrance Daniels (Eagles)
OL Andrew Hoffman (Browns)
DL Alfred Malone (Texans)
LB Tyson Smith (Giants)

WHO?…Must be for practice squad purposes, because these guys are unknowns.

Latest on Terry Glenn (AP):

Terry Glenn (knee) is leaning toward having an arthroscopic procedure to remove cartilage from his knee. This would not be a permanent solution and could expose him to the risk of severely hurting the knee again. The arthroscopic surgery would keep him out a month while the more serious procedure would put him out all season. “I want to play this year, and I really feel I have chance so I’m really leaning toward taking the [damaged] piece out and trying to play this year even though I’m risking the rest of my career by doing that,” Glenn said Friday night. “I think that’s what I’m going to do. I’m not sure, but I’ve played 12 years and don’t have a lot of years left. I want to win now, and I think we have a chance to win now. My Super Bowl chances are running out, so that’s what I will probably do. But I know there’s a great percentage risk that I could do that, ruin my knee, never play again and have to limp the rest of my life.”

If Glenn opts for the minor surgery, it’ll be his last season as a Cowboy anyway. There’s no way to sugarcoat any of this unfortunate news. Its going to be Hurd and Crayton carrying the load next to Owens.

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