How to find Deals on Home Electricity Plans


Regardless of where you stay, you probably want to save some money on your electricity bills. However, before learning how to get a deal on your home’s energy plan, you should know the type of contract that you are using so you know your options. There are two types of electricity plans: standard and market contracts. Most people who have not switched providers are on the standard option, which charges too much. Additionally, if you are on the market plan and you are not benefiting from conditional discounts, you are also paying too much. Finding a better deal for home electricity plans is not as difficult as you may think. You only have to be confident and prepared. Read on to find out how you can find a deal on home electricity plans.

  • Do your homework. This phrase may sound old, but it is true. Calling your provider and requesting a better deal may not work if you do not have the information about better deals you can get with other companies. Make sure you make your energy provider believe that you are going to switch if they do not consider your request. Go online and look for sites that compare electricity plans to get all the information you need. Determine the amount you will save by switching and provide that data to your current provider. You will be amazed at what the company can do.
  • Set a Challenge. With the above information, set your electricity provider with a challenge of matching the prices you can get elsewhere. Your energy provider may not reduce the rates, but they will increase the conditional discounts that you receive on your charges. Be clear about what you want and push for it with your company. For instance, if you have found another provider who offers a 20% discount, tell them to match that discount. The highest discount will not always mean the most significant savings, but a tempting offer will place you in a better position. Often, providers have a limit of what they can offer their customers. Make sure they reach that limit.
  • Ask for the Cheapest Offer. Your electricity company will most likely try to appease you with a modest offer on top of your existing plan. Often, energy companies will keep a “secret” plan as a last attempt to keep their customers. These plans will have the cheapest deals. With such a plan, you could get the most reasonable rate and also a good discount. Make sure you push your provider until they offer you their cheapest deal.
  • Backdate the New Discount. If you succeed in improving the terms, ask your electricity company to backdate the new discount they are now offering you. Do not push your luck by demanding that they backdate your bills from two years. Be reasonable and request that they apply the discount to the most recent bill.

Even though you are not happy with your current electricity plan, do not be rude to the customer service. You are likely to get a great deal if you are polite.  

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