It does not matter if you want to start running for staying healthy or losing weight, the main concern after running for a few weeks that occurs to most of the runners is that of increasing running speed. Increasing the running speed cannot be done in a day or two. You need patience and hard work to increase the speed and slowly when you are consistent with your efforts, you will start to see the result. Following are some of the ways on how to increase your running speed with time. Give each point some time and you will definitely see improvement in your speed.
Go with the flow of body
No matter how cheesy it sounds, always listen to the demands of your body and how much it can endure. Set realistic goals for each week of the running schedule. Do not push yourself to do what you cannot do. If you exhaust your body too much, then it would be difficult for you to maintain the pace at which you are currently running let alone increasing the running speed. Before reading any literature on how to increase running speed, just go along with the need of your body and note how you can increase the speed on your own.
Do exercises to increase the running speed
Interval training is specifically designed to increase the speed of running. When you do high-intensity workouts and low-intensity workout at intervals, it increases your running stamina and you can run for a longer duration with increased speed. However, again, give these exercises some time and ensure that your body gets used to them. Tweak them according to your need. Talk to your fitness instructor if you have one and adjust accordingly. The exercises you do before and after running make a lot of impact on your running speed.
Go on a hike and try yoga
If you want to add fun while also trying to increase your running speed try going for a hike. As you hike, your calf muscles and feet stronger and your stamina goes up. The more you are out in nature. the better your body will be prepared for the faster speed. Trying yoga is another good way to know how to increase running speed. It does not just help you to be flexible, but the yoga poses also make the core strong and teaches you balance. So, do not shy away from signing up for a yoga class near you.
Know how to breathe
One of the most common mistakes that new runners make is that they pay little attention to their breathing pattern and either breathe shallow or start breathing from the mouth. It reduces oxygen level in the lungs and makes it difficult to run faster for longer durations. Discover the proper way of breathing while running. This will help you a lot to breathe like a professional runner and also it will increase your running speed.
The above-presented ways might seem simple at first but when they are religiously followed, you will definitely know how to increase running speed. The above-given methods help you to increase your speed along with the increase in your endurance so that you are able to run at a fast speed for long distances in a healthy way.
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