LB Kevin Burnett to be Traded

LB Kevin Burnett to be TradedKevin Burnett could be traded in order to find a suitable NT backup. As of right now, we have Ferguson starting, and virtually nothing past him. I’d like to see us get something done here.

Team sources confirmed the Cowboys are looking for an experienced backup to nose tackle Jason Ferguson. They also would like a nickel back who could start if an injury occurred. The former is more attainable than the latter, but neither will be easy to obtain.

The Cowboys do have assets to trade — namely, quality linebackers.

“I certainly wouldn’t be surprised if they did do something,” third-year linebacker Kevin Burnett said. “That’s just the nature of the business: If you need something, go get it.”

Akin Ayodele, Bobby Carpenter and Burnett have upside, and salaries that would make them easier to trade than Bradie James or Anthony Spencer. Based on salary, the most “movable” is Burnett; his salary-cap figure is $776,790, a figure most NFL teams could live with. (article)

High Tech Contact Lenses for Terrell Owens 

I was pointed into the direction of a new article that Fox’s Jay Glazer has out there right now, in regards to some new technology developed by Nike. They’ve developed these contact lenses that block out glare, and make the ball more crisp in live action.

It’s a very interesting technology, and if the Cowboys have not looked into these, I would consider having them look into fitting some of our players with these. The Vikings have fitted WR Troy Williamson with the lenses, and they have helped him immensely. Williamson was drafted in 2005 as the heir apparent to Randy Moss, but dropped passes have his playing ability questioned.

Now, with these contact lenses, Williamson has lowered his dropped passes ratio, and appears ready to make a big leap in 2007.

The lenses help with depth perception, which could be useful with all players on the team, perhaps Terrell Owens could also benefit from this new technology. It could only make him a better player than he already is. Williamson talks about his struggles in catching the ball:

“I had trouble with depth perception and the ball just kind of got lost up there,” Williamson said before an early-morning training camp session. “Sometimes I wasn’t picking up the ball and couldn’t put my hands on it. I thought it was just me being too anxious. I thought that was why I couldn’t pick up the ball.”

Glazer describes the new technology:

Ironically, the day I showed up the Vikings had the Nike people arrive as well to fit their players with perhaps the coolest thing I’ve seen on the road to date. They’re called Nike Sport Vision contacts and they are the sickest blood-red contacts you’ll ever see. They look like they’re straight out of a slasher flick and head trainer Eric Sugarman got the Nike people to come and put his guys in these things, which pretty much eliminate all glare.

Player after player walked past looking like a murderous soul took over their minds. Sick!

Then, Sugarman put me in a pair as well to get a first-hand look at the advantages it provides his players. First off, they looked awesome. Blood-red eyes! Heck, I want to start wearing them out to the clubs because they just look so incredibly freaky.

The moment I went outside the advantage smacked me hard. I was able to see much sharper for much greater distances and these things weren’t even prescription. Even from the sideline of the practice field I could see the ball crystal clear. What they do is get the ball to really pop out. In addition, everything in the background goes even deeper into the background. Great, great concept. Smart move by Sugarman and Childress. (Glazer)

Could be something for the Cowboys to definitely look into if they haven’t already. I’m just amazed at the level of technology that has been incorporated into pro-sports.

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