Newman’s Heel Could Be Our Achilles Heel

Newman's Heel Could Be Our Achilles HeelCan Kevin Burnett go one season without an injury. There were rumors the Cowboys would be looking at moving a LB for a CB, and I’m hoping this comes true. Please take the injury prone Burnett off our hands and get us a capable cornerback. The latest news from Cowboys camp is not good, Newman has a tear in his heel, and says the injury will bother him all year. Not good, not good at all! In addition to that, we have Burnett being injured again, and will require surgery. Ellis will not be ready, and could go on PUP for 6 weeks, and in all honesty, Spencer and Carpenter have just been average at OLB. I’m not hitting the panic button yet, but it’s looming.
DMN on Burnett:

LB Kevin Burnett said Saturday night that he didn’t think his ankle injury was serious, but X-rays showed bone chips. He’ll have an operation tomorrow, and the plan is for him to be ready to go against the Giants.

Other injury news:

OLB Greg Ellis, who has been day-to-day for a month, is visiting Dr. James Andrews in Alabama to get a second opinion. “We think he’s pretty close [to playing],” Wade Phillips said. “We’d like to get a second opinion for both parties, so he’ll be comfortable.”

K Martin Gramatica has a slight pull in his right hamstring. Phillips wasn’t sure whether Gramatica would kick against the Vikings.

LT Doug Free and WR Terry Glenn, both recovering from knee injuries, are both expected to practice Saturday.

Phillips said he thought Terence Newman will “be fine.” By that, I assume Phillips meant Newman wouldn’t miss any regular season action.

Gramatica is all but assured to be cut here soon, the kicking battle was close upto about two weeks ago, and then this last weekend, Gramatica missed a chipshot. Its’ Folk time.

And on Newman’s latest injury news:

CB Terence Newman said he doesn’t have plantar fasciitis after all. He has a tear in his plantar fascia near his right heel.

“I think it’s something that’s probably going to be bothering me for the whole year,” Newman said. “At the same time, there’s ways that we can deal with it that will limit the pain that I have. Right now, the problem that I have is I can’t plant on it. There’s no way that I can plant on my foot.

“We can do things that can help me out during a game – maybe freeze it a little bit, I don’t know. It would have been better if I completely tore the whole thing, I think, than just to tear half of it.

Newman said the Cowboys’ trainers have told him this is an extremely rare injury. Doctors they discussed it with could only think of two cases they’d seen. That makes it very tough to predict a timeframe for his recovery.

“I’m going to try to be ready for the opener,” he said. “That’s the target date. I don’t think I’m going to miss the opener, one way or the other. If I’m ready, I’m playing. If I’m not ready, I’m playing.”

Newman sounds optimistic enough, unfortunately, I don’t share this optimism. Sure, he says he can play, but how effective would he be, we won’t know until the time arrives. If anything, a Newman at 75% is still better than our backup CBs, that looked like crap against the Texans. Newman’s heel could be our Achilles heel this year, and just all the more the reason for us to get a solid #2CB, and reload the backup CBs, we are paper thin.

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