On a related note, I am not the only Bronco fan to have noticed the anonymous awesome dude with a Russian word for a name trolling dUI’s online paper The Argonaut. Whoever you are, if you are even one of us, if you are reading this, please stop. Believe me dude, you’re funny, you’re right, you’re awesome, and they deserve any grief you throw their way. But we’re Broncos and we’re better than that. Please just stop and let them wallow in their own self-pity.
On to the next bit, and given that Star Wars day was recently here and gone, I believe that I said that the last season was more of an Episode V than Episode III. I was wrong. It very well may be that we have a situation comparable to several years of dark side before a new hope comes. Help us Bryan Harsin, you’re our only hope.
If we are to keep our traditions and our culture and our presence in college football, then we must rally around Coach Bryan Harsin. We must do as the words he gave us tell us to do: Attack The Future!
And with that, as I now painfully contemplate how much the previous coach was a part of my writings. Until next time, Bronco Nation, Attack The Future.
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