Bobby Jindal Politics Threaten HBCU Athletics



The office of Louisiana Governor, Bobby Jindal rejected federal stimulus funds back in 2009, while also cutting 219 million dollars in state funds for higher education, $5 million of which would have gone to Grambling State University. In 2012, Governor Jindal cut an additional million that was due to go to Grambling State’s operating costs.

Needless to say, these Massive Budget Cuts and In-House Fighting dealt a lethal blow and threaten Legendary Coach Eddie Robinson’s Iconic Football Program.


Despite a recent ~ and calculated ~ temper tantrum, which was obviously a “back pedaling move”, Louisiana Governor, Bobby Jindal had clearly hitched his wagon to the wrong administration and his contiguants will not be supportive in the near future, specially after finding out that he used Louisiana State Taxpayer money to built a monument for his mentor during these gigantic State cuts.

The Obama administration’s record on supporting historically black colleges and universities has been, to be kind, brutal also, with decreases in federal grant funding and changes in loan programs that have estimated to have cleaved $300 million from HBCU’s nationally.

According to a 2011 university financial report, Grambling’s share of funding from the state of Louisiana was projected to decrease nearly 40 percent by the 2011-12 school year from its peak in 2007-08.

According to University President, Frank Pogue that figure was raised up to more than 50 percent in the last eight years.

To help offset these gigantic shortfalls, the school had to cut approximately $200,000 from its athletics budget in 2010-11, while the report at that same time called for Grambling State to cut an additional $1.19 million from athletics in 2011-12.

The heavy cuts in state funding  wrecked the school’s athletic budget, and everyone—players, coaches, and administrators alike—felt the brunt of it all.

Dave Zirin > Where Sports and Politics Collide!

Alvin Hollins Jr. > HBCU sports programs have had a wonderful legacy despite tall odds, but chronic financial issues portend an uncertain future.

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