Report: Tom Brady May Accept Fine If Suspension Is Cleared


(photo courtesy of

So finally after days of hearing just about nothing it is all starting to come out. The reports are flying in about what may happen and what deals might have been on the table. The newest report would be that Brady would consider accepting a fine if the four game suspension was cleared. That report coming from ESPN earlier this morning. But it sounds a fine will not enough for Goodell as the settlement offer was met with “silence” sources of ESPN stated. 

This all of course coming after Goodell clearly stated that “There is no timeline on the Tom Brady Appeal”. To put this all in prospective the 10 hour appeal was on June 23rd. So it has now been 31 days since the appeal took place. Greg Hardy recently had his suspension reduced he waited 43 days to hear the results of his appeal. Adrian Peterson waited eight days and Ray Rice waited 22.

So Goodell is definitely taking his time on this, but we really already know what is going to happen. He will drop Brady’s suspensions to 2 or 3 games. Than from there we will see if Brady decides to takes his case to court, which will most likely happen if the suspension stays. So all we can do now is just wait for Goodell to step up and finally give us the results of the appeal.  


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