Shareef O’Neal posts update on surgery to fix heart problem

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Shaquille O’Neal’s son, Shareef, began attending UCLA this fall, but he’ll be missing the entire basketball season due to a heart irregularity.

He underwent surgery to correct the issue on Thursday, and apparently, it well. His mother, Shaunie, posted a photo and an update on Instagram from his hospital bed, and here’s what she wrote:

This morning was by far my toughest moment being a Mom. If only I could take his place today. Could I at least go with him in that operating room and hold his hand. Separating from him as he was wheeled off to surgery was heartbreaking. THATS MY BABY! I don’t care how old, how big, how grown my kids get I still want to protect them. I had no control over any of this. But there is a God, I trust and believe He is in there with my baby right now and has complete control.

It’s great to see that the surgery went well, we can’t wait to see O’Neal back throwing down dunks like this one for the Bruins next season.

We wish him best of luck in his recovery.

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