Shaun Suisham Out For Season With ACL Injury

suisCA(photoshop gold right there)


Looks like the Steelers will be bringing in a new kicker for the 2015 season, as Shaun Suisham tore his ACL diving to assist on a tackle in Sunday’s preseason game against the Vikings.

This is exactly the kind of thing you don’t need from your veteran kicker in the preseason, but if it happened in a game that counted, we’d be applauding his courage. So whatever. I don’t begrudge Suisham for trying to make a tackle, even though it wasn’t the wisest decision. The good news is that the Steelers have a whole preseason to find another kicker, so expect a signing or two and a little bit of competition.

When Jeff Reed was released for being crazy and/or stupid, Kevin Colbert pulled Suisham off the scrap heap, and he’s been pleasantly consistent ever since. Perhaps he’ll strike gold again this time. Don’t count on the 36-year-old Reed to reclaim the job though; he’s already in the news for being escorted out of the Hall of Fame game for getting into a fight in the stands. Never change, Jeff*.

*please change, you are embarrassing

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