Tuesday night at 8:30, the fortunes of 14 NBA franchises will be determined by random selections from a group of ping pong balls. Despite the cries of the pro-tanking community, the team with the best odds has only landed the first overall pick twice in the last 22 years. With Adam Aron and Josh Harris representing the Sixers at the envelope ceremony, the team will look to cash in on their 0.8% chance of landing the top pick and 2.9% chance at a top three pick. We’ve crunched the numbers, and based on some comparative research, it looks like Sixers fans will come away happy.
- Odds of dating a millionaire: 215 to 1 (0.5%) – Based on the snippets of Millionaire Matchmaker I’ve overheard while my girlfriend watched and I worked on my computer, all it takes to date a millionaire is model good looks and personal values desiring wealth entirely over personality in a partner. Easy enough, right? Well, it’s even easier to land a top pick.
- Odds of catching a ball at a major league ballgame: 563 to 1 (0.2%) – Bleachers are filled with middle aged men carrying gloves in hopes of achieving their dream of nabbing the elusive foul ball. If they’re willing to look foolish doing that, imagine their delight when the Sixers are the last envelope pulled.
- Odds of getting a hole in one: 5,000 to 1 (0.02%) – People traipse up and down the links their whole lives in search of that elusive ace on a Par 3. You won’t even have to leave your couch to see the Sixers land the first overall pick.
- Odds of bowling a perfect game: 11,500 to 1 (0.009%) – Everyone has that uncle who has a bowling buddy who rolled a 300 back in the day. See, these things happen.
- Odds of becoming a pro athlete: 22,000 to 1 (0.005%) – As a kid, nearly every sports fan answers the question ‘What do you want to do when your grow up?’ with play in the NBA/NFL, etc. Let’s bring back that childlike whimsy.
- Odds of winning Powerball: about 1 in 175.2 million (0.000001%) – As some lucky individual in Florida can attest, it can happen to you. The Sixers are a few lucky numbers away as well.
We’ve looking forward to seeing what Sam Hinkie does with the 11th overall pick.
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