TGL Format: Scoring, Standings, & Tiebreakers For Inaugural Season

TGL Format: Scoring, Standings, & Tiebreakers For Inaugural Season

TGL will be the newly conceptualized primetime golf league introduced by Tiger Woods. The league is set to tee off in 2024 for its inaugural season. TGL will feature six four-player teams for a total of 24 players.

While some players and teams have been announced, TGL finalized its format and scoring rules this week.

Below, we’ll review how TGL’s format will work for its first inaugural season.

How TGL Format Works

There will be a total of six four-player teams in the new TGL franchise. Each team will be required to play five regular season matches, and before every match, teams must name their three competitors (one player sits).

A TGL regular season match will feature a 15-hole, 3-on-3 match. There will be two parts played with the first nine holes following “triples”, an alternate shot match. The three players on each time will alternate who tee offs, and the players will rotate from there.

The last second six holes will be “singles”, where players will be rotating head-to-head competition. Each player will be required to play two holes, with player 1 taking on Holes Nos.10 and 13, player 2 playing Holes Nos. 11 and 14, and player 3 finishing off Holes Nos. 12 and 15.

Each hole will hold the value of one point, the team with the fewest strokes on a hole wins the point. Ties are worth zero points and there are no carryovers. The overtime tiebreaker will call a 3-on-3 closest-to-the-pin competition.

How TGL Will Score Matches

The season matches will be based on a points system similar to the NHL’s standing structure.

All wins will be rewarded two points while an overtime loss will receive a point and a regular season loss will result in 0 points.

The TGL will also feature a playoff series. Only the top four teams in the regular season standings will move on to the semi-finals. The winners of the semi-final match will go on to compete in a best-of-three championship series.

In the event of any ties at the end of the season, a tiebreaker is decided by total holes won. All regular season matches will run the length of all 15 holes even if a winner is decided earlier.

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