Trail Blazers perfectly troll George Karl on Instagram

Sacramento Kings v Phoenix Suns

Former NBA head coach George Karl has been putting literally everyone on blast in his new book.

From allegations about steroid use among players, to his dislike of Carmelo Anthony, to how Damian Lillard is the reason for the Trail Blaers’ struggles.

Head coach Terry Stotts was not happy about it, and he made sure to let Karl and the rest of the world know about it on Wednesday.

The Trail Blazers even used their official Instagram account to respond to a Bleacher Report post in the comments, and they trolled Karl perfectly.

Here’s the post:

[protected-iframe id=”6e4fa6231ba6d087205aca605b26bb49-114320562-18702721″ info=”//” class=”instagram-media”]

And the comment:


Well done, guys.

[Bleacher Report]
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