WATCH: Johnny Hekker explains the greatest Training Camp Prank


Mandatory Credit: Kirby Lee-USA TODAY Sports

If the Los Angeles Rams took a poll on twitter on who was some of the fans top favorite players to follow on social media, I bet Johnny Hekker’s name would be called often. With Training Camp well underway for the Rams, Hekker decided to tell his followers a very special story.

Hekker has started a new series on twitter called funniest training camp memory, and well this story was quite funny. This memory happened a couple of years ago in St. Louis..

Cortland Finnegan is one crazy dude.

I guess all that money the Rams gave to Finnegan went somewhere good? Imagine watching your car being taken away on a truck while you are practicing. That must suck. Stay tuned for more stories from the Johnny Hekker.

Go Los Angeles Rams…

Alex Alarcon is the Founder and Senior Writer at Rams Headquarters Follow him on Twitter @AlexAlarcon49, and on Google+. 

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