Yasmani Grandal accuses Cubs of stealing signs


The Los Angeles Dodgers put on a strong defensive performance Sunday to take Game 2 of the National League Championship Series over the Chicago Cubs in 1-0 fashion. After, Dodgers catcher Yasmani Grandal dropped something of a suggestive bombshell.

In short, the man who has come under fire for his frequent trots to the mound during the postseason accused the Cubs of stealing signs. Pedro Moura of the Los Angeles Times captured the critical parts of the presser:

All the sudden, Russell is not taking good swings at sliders, looking like he’s looking for a fastball and in a certain location. Did we know Zobrist had the signs and was doing something for it? Yeah, we did. That’s why we do it.

Grandal later admitted he and others on the team are a little paranoid about the stealing of signs:

We are literally paranoid when it comes to men on second and they are trying to get signs. We know who is getting the signs. We know what they’re doing. We know what they do to get it. In the playoffs, one relayed sign could mean the difference between winning the World Series and not getting there.

It’s interesting Grandal would even say something like this in public to tip off the Cubs. Then again, so long as the Dodgers can keep Cubs runners off second base and mix up the signs well, it won’t matter either way. Grandal felt the need to address his constant visits to the mound and did so.

In what has been an eventful series so far, keep a close eye on the game of chess when the Cubs move a runner to second base. Game 3 begins Tuesday at 8:08 p.m. ET in Los Angeles.

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