RedsArmy presents FanFriday #19 “Family Affair”

Fan Friday is back folks! I want to thank all the readers for the great feedback and support. Fan Friday has become a popular feature, and I get many emails, tweets and messages on it. I know this is a tough-time for C's fans with the team off to a rough start, but hopefully the season's first "Fan Friday" cheers everyone up!

This week's feature is on the Koulouris family of Stoneham, Ma. I met them while waiting to go into the Legends entrance at the Garden one night. For those who don't know, season-ticket holders can purchase "Legends passes" for an extra-fee. These passes allow fans to enter the Garden 1.5 hours earlier than the general public. It's a great opportunity to get autographs, mingle with the media and see the players warm-up. Often times, you will run-into the players as they enter the Garden. Last week, I was lucky enough to run-into KG on his way in. The Koulouris family are at every game early, and have met and taken pictures with many of the Celtics. Here is Adrianna with Paul Pierce:

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 The Koulouris family, Mom, Dad, John, Nicky & Adrianna, have been attending games/season-ticket holders since 1997. Paul Pierce is the family's favorite player as they've watched him throughout his entire career and they admire his loyalty and hard-work. John says the family has a "special bond" with Pierce. Their favorite Celtics moment is easily when the entire family was at the Garden on 6/17/08 to watch the Celtics trounce the Lakers 131-92 and clinch Banner 17. John says; "it was a dream come true and even more special to be there with my family and all the fans at the Garden that night.."


So next time you're at the Garden, you're bound to see one of the Koulouris family. Stop and say hello. And in-case you're wondering what they do when the Celtics are not playing, they have their own mini-TD Garden at home. Thanks for reading everyone and GO CELTICS!



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