Chicago Blackhawks Legend And Former Stanley Cup Runner-Up, Jeremy Roenick, Offers Up His Two Cents On Tom Wilson’s Most Recent Controversial Hit


Yep, you read that right – “Unfortunate that his shoulder slipped to his head. Was not intentional.” If you’re not laughing out loud right now then there might possibly be something wrong with you.

This is exactly what’s wrong with the NHL and its broken line of thinking. Things are in disarray whenever you have meatheads with massive platforms (i.e. Jeremy Roenick) trying to justify why Tom Wilson shouldn’t be suspended for delivering a bone-crunching hit to Zach Aston-Reese’s face, which ultimately resulted in a broken jaw and concussion. Just because the intial point of contact starts with Aston-Reese’s shoulder doesn’t make it right. As you can clearly see from the video (link below), Wilson drives up and through Aston-Reece, which results in significant contact to his face.


Now, in the meantime, we have nothing better to do than twiddle our thumbs and dissect this hit 10 million times until George Parros and company inevitably come up with an illogical reasoning to slap Tom Wilson on the wrist for his most recent “borderline” hit. I’m not saying this is the dirtiest hit of all-time. But whenever a player sustains a brain injury and ends up needing to get his jaw wired shut for six weeks while we question the severity (or lack thereof) of the guilty party’s punishment, something needs to change.

By the way, in case you were wondering and/or needed a breath of fresh air, not all former players agree with Jeremy Roenick’s arachaic sentiment:

And finally, feel free to enjoy a few clips of trash bag Tom Wilson doing trash bag things against the Penguins over the past three postseasons.

Nope. Definitely doesn’t need to clean up his game.


Follow Peep on Twitter: @PeepsBurgh

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