The Last Thing Missing At Busch Stadium?


The Grill of a Ford Truck, Obviously.

Yesterday on Twitter, news broke about a new ad out in the left-center bleachers at Busch.  It was hard to imagine at first, but people were saying it was the grill of a Ford Truck, and it would light up and honk when the Cardinals hit a home run.  We saw a few long-range photos, but nothing up close to see the details.

A little while ago, Hooks passed along a close-up look at this monstrosity. If you weren’t pissed about Busch Stadium being flooded with shit-tastic advertising already, it can’t get much more embarrassing than this:

The good news (for now) is that they had to cover it during the game because it was too shiny, and interfered with the batting eye.  But – pun intended – I’m sure Ford backed up the truck on this one, so it’ll be located somewhere in Busch for all to see, whether you hate it…or really dislike it.

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