Does the Wahbulance stay parked outside of Vignault’s house 24/7?

Does the Wahbulance stay parked outside of Vignault's house 24/7?
Serious question: Does the Wahbulance just stay parked outside Alain Vigneault’s house these days? He bitched and moaned all through the Stanley Cup Finals, putting no blame on his players for their mistakes (a huge reason why the ‘Nucks lost, by the way). Now he’s still crying, this time about a hit on Maxim Lapierre, comparing it to the Rome-Horton hit.

No joke.

“I look at Murray’s hit on Lapierre tonight. If that is not exactly what Aaron Rome did last year — it is, and it’s probably .2 [or] .3 seconds later than what Romer did to Horton.”

After the jump, we compare the two hits…


Compared to this…

Exactly the same other than one was a shoulder-to-head hit and the other is a shoulder-to-chest hit. Also, Doug Murray was at a standstill when he laid the check while Rome was skating at Horton when he laid a hit. That makes a big difference when it comes to the energy being distributed from one player to the next. Physics, bitches.

Bitches love physics
Really, Vaginault shouldn’t be using the illegal hit of one of his players to try to prove a point against someone else here. It looks petty, especially when the hits are different (similar, but not the same). It’s worse since A.V defended Rome’s hit to begin with.

Oh… and this.

(Story/video taken from PuckDaddy)

Go Bruins!

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