Aaron Rodgers Challenges Travis Kelce to COVID Vaccine Debate on The Pat McAfee Show

kelce v rodgers vaccine wars

Recently, New York Jets quarterback Aaron Rodgers and Kansas City Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce have been talking about COVID-19 vaccinations, and their discussion got more attention on The Pat McAfee Show. Rodgers is against the vaccine, while Kelce has been promoting it through a Pfizer commercial. Now, there’s talk about having a live TV debate, making this a hot topic beyond the usual sports talk.

Kelce vs Rodgers: The Mr. Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson Exchange

Aaron Rodgers started calling Travis Kelce “Mr. Pfizer” on The Pat McAfee Show a couple of weeks ago, poking fun at Kelce’s appearance in a Pfizer vaccine ad.

Meanwhile, Kelce had a playful response, bringing up Johnson & Johnson and their affiliation to the New York Jets, Rodgers’ team.

Rodgers has been vocal about his distrust for the COVID-19 vaccines, which is a stark contrast to Kelce’s stance.

Rodgers Challenges Kelce to Public Debate

On his regular visit to The Pat McAfee Show, Rodgers challenged Kelce to a public debate on vaccine safety. He imagined it like a scene from John Wick: Chapter 4, where each of them would have a buddy.

Rodgers picked Robert F. Kennedy Jr., known for his vaccine skepticism, for his side, and suggested Anthony Fauci or another expert for Kelce. Rodgers said the debate could attract a lot of viewers and allow an open talk about vaccine safety.

Will Kelce Accept the Challenge?

Kelce found Rodgers’ “Mr. Pfizer” joke “pretty good” and didn’t seem interested in a vaccine war. However, Rodgers clarified that he wants a serious talk about vaccine safety, not a war. Now, it’s up to Kelce to accept or decline the debate challenge.

As the vaccine discussion between Rodgers and Kelce continues, it shows how sports stars can be part of larger conversations in society. Many people are now interested in their vaccine talk, showing how sports, health, and public discussions can come together.

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