Essential Supplements for Football Players


Football is one of the most physical and strenuous sports there is. Football players undergo rigorous trainings multiple times a week to prepare for their games. And as we see on TV and in the field, football matches are always intense.

To prepare their bodies for such physically demanding trainings and games, football players make sure to exercise daily and to further get the benefits of exercising and training, they use some supplements.

In this article, we will discuss some of the most essential supplements for football players. Aspiring football players might get ideas from this.

  1. Protein – also called as “base supplement”, is one of the most important supplements football players take. Have you paid a visit in the gym lately? Have you seen those guys carrying their protein shake? Well, of course, they do if they wish to develop bigger body built with well-defined muscles. It is the same with football players. They take protein, most commonly in the form of protein shake to keep their muscles strong and healthy. Supps R Us offers Gold Standard Whey, one of the world’s best-selling protein powders. Athletes and other body builders usually take this first thing in the morning and pre or post workout.
  2. Creatine – creatine is actually produced naturally in the human body most commonly through consumption of meat. It boosts the energy of a person, allowing him to perform physically demanding activities like playing football. But this should not be mistaken as performance-enhancing supplement. One of the most commonly used creatine in the market is creatine monohydrate. This supplement helps a person to gain more strength, muscle speed bursts and it assists in gaining weight. It is common to hear your coach suggesting that you take creatine most especially if you are starting to lose weight so you could get back your strong built.
  3. Multivitamin and mineral – when training, you usually used up most of the energy and nutrients in your body and to continue to perform at your best, you must always make sure to replace these energy and nutrients that you lost. Taking multivitamin and mineral supplements will help you with that goal. Do not think that multivitamins are for the weak only, because yes, even football players take these supplements.
  4. Vitamin C – boring you might say. However, it is undeniable fact that athletes need to take their vitamin C if they want to ensure that they can perform well in their matches. Vitamin C prevents them from getting sick and it protects them against virus.
  5. Fish oil – most newbies take for granted the benefits of fish oil. But they and no one shouldn’t. Fish oil is good for the heart and it is also very beneficial for football players because of its anti-inflammatory aspect. During training or exercises, athletes usually experience sore and tight muscles and moving can be difficult and painful during these times. Fish oil will alleviate the soreness quickly, allowing them to continue with their training.

If you wish to become a football player then be sure to train hard and take note of the essential supplements that we discussed in this post.

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