Grinding Gears: Hey Canada, why all the hate?

What Grinds Greg's Gears? Canada hockeyGreg is the newest member of Days of Y’Orr. He’s our big midseason pick-up. What can we say? Purrgeron is a master orator and negotiator. Anyways, this is Greg’s first piece for DOY so be gentle (or at least use lube). We’re hoping his writing and ranting will be a weekly Wednesday feature on the site. For more Greg, follow him on Twitter @Pez5611 and read this other blog, Angry Bruins Fan.

I really like this new place. I don’t know if it is just the new digs of the fung shui of the drapes, but whatever is going on here is okay with me.

Welcome to the weekly segment here at Days of Y’Orr called “You Know What Really Grinds My Gears?”. Yes, it is a complete rip-off from Family Guy, but what are you going to do about it? As I mentioned, this will be a weekly segment on Days of Y’Orr where I’ll begin to vent frustrations on the Bruins and anything else hockey related.

You know what really grinds my gears?


Who do you think you are with your complaining about the World Juniors being held in Buffalo?

What? Can’t America host a hockey tournament? No, hockey is not the number one sport in America, but there is still a very passionate following. I don’t see why Canada needs to be all high and mighty regarding hockey either. You don’t hear Americans complaining that Toronto has an NBA team (lets not forget the famed failed Vancouver Grizzlies experiment either, eh?) or that the Buffalo Bills play two games a year in Toronto.

Grinding Gears: Hey Canada, why all the hate? 

It is apparent the Canada has a sharing problem.

More on Canada hockey and other Random Thoughts from Greg after the jump…. do it up…

Canada, between you and I, I like you. I was in you just a few months ago (giggity) and had a great time. You know your puck and you know how to have a good time with it. The Hockey Hall of Fame was amazing and the general feel of walking around in a Bruins jersey while getting dirty looks makes me smile.

But seriously Canada, why so much hate for having the game in America? Does it make you feel small and insignificant? Does it make something you cherish dirty? We’re the defending champions. Last year, we kicked your maple syrup asses all over the ice and ended up winning 6-5 to capture the gold and the hearts of those Americans who were watching.

Canada: Fuck you
Okay, I’m sorry about the maple syrup comment.

Anyways, having the WJC in Buffalo should be an opportunity for America and Canada to not be fighters, but lovers. We love the same sport you do and we know whose sport it really is. We know you love it and we’re okay with you coddling and locking it in the closet, but lets share sometimes okay?
Grinding Gears: Hey Canada, why all the hate? 

Congrats on whooping our ass too, guy.

– Random Thoughts –

* Is Joe Crabb a real person or did Jack Edwards lose a bet? I feel like “Joey Crabb” is more of a gangster name than a hockey player. Maybe he got the name because of the love for seafood. Maybe its because he enjoys laying with ladies of the night and caught something? Whatever the reason is I feel like Joey Crabb should be rolling guys in carpet and dumping them in a lake instead of shooting hockey pucks.

* Someone posted a comparison picture of Claude Julien next to Slimer with Julien’s Winter Classic hat on. Zoinks. (Editor’s note: We can’t find this pic now… anyone have it?)

* There’s a lot of talk lately about Steve Kampfer being the puck moving defenseman that the Bruins are looking for. Relax out there will you. Don’t put any unneeded pressure on this guy. Let him do his thing before we start putting labels on him. The guy has played 12 games so far, the sample size is clearly not large enough yet.

* The NHL needs to keep the Winter Classic at night. The game was sensational despite the Pens leaving like someone stole their cookie, Pierre McGuire rattling nonsense, and NBC’s terrible cameras. There is something different about playing hockey outdoors under the lights and it really made the whole thing “pop.” I can’t help but wonder how everything would’ve looked last year under the lights of Fenway Park.

* I hate the term “Merlot Line.” I feel like those three guys should be called “The Doing Whiskey Shots and Getting Laid” line. Let’s be serious, Shawn Thornton doesn’t drink wine.

Grinding Gears: Hey Canada, why all the hate?

Grinding Gears: Hey Canada, why all the hate?Stuchuk with 1/3 of “Merlot Line” – Image by Katie, @Bruins22

Now it’s time for Justin, Jon, Pizz and I to do the “Dance of Joy.” Don’t be ridiculous!

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