Ricky Rubio, I Know Why You’re Mad At The Timberwolves

NBA: Los Angeles Lakers at Utah Jazz

It’s not because of the question Randball asked. (You could’ve avoided controversy by evading the question)

The answer, I believe, begins with the scoreboard:

23 points on Sunday against your former team.

Sigh—I’m clenching my fist and raising it at you—but that’s only part of the reason.

Let’s rewind some current events. Look at the way our new arrivals from last offseason treated you, starting with Jimmy Butler:

Then, of course, there was the famous incident involving you and Jeff Teague:

It’s pretty clear who’s responsible for the scuttle. It wasn’t you.

The bottom line is, Ricky Rubio, in your interactions with the Timberwolves, you were treated with disdain and disrespect–as if you were the villain.

Which you were not.

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